Cauliflower Facts:
PQ (Protein Quality) x PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score) - 75
Additional Contents
- rutin
- lutein
- thiols
- indoles
- flavonols
- quercetin
- zeaxanthin
- ferulic acid
- caffeic acid
- kaempferol
- phytosterols
- thiocyanates
- sulforaphane
- beta-carotene
- cinnamic acid
- glucobrassicin
- glucoraphanin
- isothiocyanates
- indole-3-carbinol
- beta-cryptoxanthin
- hydroxycinnamic acids
- complex carbohydrate
Potential Health Benefits
- powerful anti-cancer properties
- powerful free radical scavenger
- anti-inflammatory properties
- cardiovascular health boost
- lower "bad" cholesterol
- digestive health boost
- stimulate detox
- energy boost
Potential Athletic Benefits
- Good source of complex carbohydrates to provide for long term energy demands.
- Support testosterone production which translates into faster muscle building and more exercise energy.
- Vision support for high-speed, high-agility sport disciplines.
- Help reduce cancer risk from excessive exposure to free radicals and body stress.
Glycemic Index Rank
15 out of 100
Rank | Value |
Low Glycemic | less than 55 |
Food Sensitivity Rank
0.9 to 1 ratio
Rank | Value |
Low for Fructose Sensitivity | less than 1 (fructose to glucose ratio) |
Cauliflower is a very prominent vegetable due to its vast profile of essential vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and antioxidants. It is an excellent complex carbohydrate source, and provides the body with hormonal support for testosterone production. Cauliflower also carries powerful anti-cancer properties.
- Beta-Cryptoxanthin as a Source of Vitamin A
- Cruciferous Vegetables and Human Cancer Risk
- Intake of Cruciferous Vegetables Modifies Bladder Cancer Survival
- Cruciferous Vegetable Intake is Inversely Associated with Lung Cancer Risk Among Smokers
- Role of Reactive Oxygen Intermediates in Cellular Responses to Dietary Cancer Chemopreventive Agents
Sources include: USDA
***All-Body Fitness takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided above. Please contact a medical doctor or a registered dietitian for nutrition advice.