The FAQs of fitness
Weight Reduction
Muscle Increase
Sport Specific Routines
Competition Preparation
If this source of fuel is deprived for several days the body conserves essential protein by creating an alternative fuel known as ketones. As ketones continue to build up in the blood stream, your body will transition into a state called ketosis. Any initial weight loss is water NOT fat, due to the kidneys attempting to expel excess ketones from the body. This can also cause an upset in the bodies’ chemical balance creating many unwanted side effects like fatigue, nausea, bad breath, dizziness, and headaches.
Krebs cycle oxidation is the only way to metabolize fat. Due to a low carbohydrate diet, Krebs cycle intermediates are diminished while also resulting in a lower production of ATP. Individuals who are on carbohydrate restricted diets tend to have less energy and fatigue sooner, which causes their workouts to be shorter and lower in intensity. It may be true that the body will place more demand on fatty acids for energy, however, the body will also rely more heavily on amino acids from the breakdown of lean muscle tissue. Any lost weight is the development of depleted glycogen stores within the liver and muscles, resulting in more muscle breakdown and water loss than fat being metabolized.